What’s in my camera bag?

Wooden boat in Zanzibar, Tanzania (2008)

Photography is not about the camera.  Photography is about the creative eye of the photographer.  The specific photographic equipment photographers use is of secondary importance.

Over the years, I’ve used a number of different cameras from different manufacturers.  These included Canon, Nikon, Polaroid, Fujifilm and others.  Some of my favorite photos were taken with my smartphone or a simple point-and-shoot camera.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to visit Zanzibar.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a decent camera.  The camera I did have was a simple point-and-shoot digital camera.

Of course the simple camera did have an impact on the types of photos I could shoot.  But ultimately, for me, photography is about effective composition and not the equipment or subject.

I made the photograph above while taking an early evening walk along one of the beaches in Zanzibar.  The sun was in the perfect evening position to cast dramatic shadows while still being bright enough for my little point-and-shoot camera.  The evening also provided me with a good selection of recently returned fishing boats for photographs.

I only made three photos that evening with the boats.  The one pictured here is my favorite.